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Smash Karts

Smash Karts is a 3D thrilling multiplayer kart game where you drive your go-kart, pick up weapons to create a heavy arsenal, and blow up other karts to victory.

Instruction on Smash Karts

In the game, your objective is based on the game mode, but Free For All is classic. Generally, you guide your kart into Loot Boxes to collect weapons and utilize them to smash other karts in the arena for 3 or more minutes. The top of the screen displays your health, time, and ranking while your current weapon is in the lower right corner. There are some maps to explore in the game and be continuously updated with more. You will gain XP in each public game. This can support you level up later. When you level up, you will be rewarded with coins, wheels, hats, and character tokens. Especially, the character tokens in the prize machine can open new characters with numerous rarity levels. The following guides are controls in the game. WASD or ARROW KEYS is for driving. Using Weapons for SPACE. Drift and Brake come with SHIFT or DOWN ARROW while Looking Behind is C.

Weapons on Smash Karts

Weapon is a crucial collectible that you can pick up when smashing into the boxes containing question marks. One weapon is only used at a time, and you can change your present weapon until being used. Even you can power-ups through these boxes. Everything from invincibility to missiles, mines, and machine guns can be found to use against your foes. Three types of weapons are set up. Firstly, Offensive weapons are projectiles that can be launched from a distance like Rockets. Secondly, they are Defensive ones. These weapons like Machine Guns or Boosters can create a force that keeps your kart safe while eliminating others. The third weapons are Traps. These are Mines that can be strategically laid around the arena for other karts to enter.

Game modes

Though Deathmatch is the base mode in Smash Karts, you can unclose others by entering more battles and leveling up. There are six available Game Modes. Gem Collector is collecting the most gems to win while Hat Holder is get the hat and wear it for as long as you can. You can join Capture the Flag to Grab the enemy flag and bring it back to your base, while teams of karts go all out in Teams mode. In Score Target, the player who reaches the selected point total first victories and who collects the most points in a certain amount of time is the winner in Time Limit. You can also play Fall Guys Online to have more experience with various game categories.