Shell Shockers is a first-person shooter game where you are an egg armed with guns to shatter your foes with bullets and bombs in two ways of controlling.
Being a shooter, the game gives you a first-person perspective and flexible control buttons that support your character keep up with the action. The game also gives you 2 control modes: mouse and keyboard or controller. If you come to the first mode, the default controls are WSAD for moving, Spacebar for jumping, F - Melee Attack, Shift - Precise Aim, Left Mouse Button - Fire, R - Reload, Q - Throw Grenade, and E - Swap Weapon. Otherwise, you can choose the controller mode with Right Directional Stick for aiming, Left Directional Stick for moving, RT - Fire, LT - Precise Aim, A - Jump, X - Reload, B - Melee Attack, Y - Swap Weapon, and RB - Throw Grenade. There are 4 different play modes to choose from, but you need to try your best to protect yourself and damage other eggs.
You can change your primary weapon in the Respawn screen if the weapon does not satisfy you in the match. EGGK-47, Scrambler, Free Ranger, RPEGG, Whipper, Crackshot, and Tri-Hard are the primary weapons currently available in Shell Shockers. Each weapon has its advantages and drawbacks, so you should utilize them flexibly to best meet your needs.
This is an online game where you can change the appearance of your egg to stand out from the crowd. When you click on Inventory, you can choose various colors, hats, and markings as well as equip your egg with primary weapons, secondary weapons, melee weapons, and grenades. While other items are purely cosmetic, the primary weapon is what deals damage to the opponent. Eggs are the in-game currency that leads you to unlock more items. The more eggs you collect, the more fights you need to complete. Otherwise, you can buy them with your credit card or watch ads which are free options to help you gain more eggs.
The first mode is Teams. You will participate in a red team or blue one to cope with the opponent's eggs until the most kill collectively your team achieves. The next choice is Free For All when every egg has itself valuable. You should try to crack many eggs. Captula the Spatula is the third one in which two teams fight for control of the spatula. Your team looks for the enemy's Spatula and brings it back to your base. The winning team is with the most captures. The fourth mode is King of the Coop with a new map and a bunch of cosmetic items. Two teams battle to protect the coop for as long as possible. Besides the shooting game as Shell Shockers, you can join another game type like Fall Guys Online.